1994-1999 中山医科大学 本科
2002-2005 中山大学 硕士研究生
2007-2010 中山大学 博士研究生
2005.03 香港大学 玛丽医院病理生化室 学习
2008.06-2010.04 澳大利亚 西澳大学神经病学研究所 学习
1999-2005 中山大学附属三院神经科 住院医师
2005- 中山大学附属三院神经科 主治医师
论文发表 (近5年)
1) Wei Qiu, S Raven, JS Wu, WM Carroll, FL Mastaglia, AG Kermode. Wedge-shaped Medullary Lesions in Multiple Sclerosis. Journal of the Neurological Sciences, 2010. (290):190–193. [With A Commentary: Filippi M, Rocca MA. Assessing lesion morphology in MS: Why does this matter? J Neurol Sci. 2010 (290):194–195. (IF 2.359)
2) Wei Qiu, C Blundell, JS Wu, A Castley, I James, P Hollingsworth, FT Christiansen, WM Carroll, FL Mastaglia, AG Kermode. Low Level of Systemic Autoimmunity in Western Australian Multiple Sclerosis. Multiple Sclerosis, 2010; 16(3):351-4. (IF 3.312)
3) Wei Qiu, S Raven, JS Wu, WM Carroll, FL Mastaglia, AG Kermode. Hypothalamic lesions in Multiple Sclerosis. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry. In press. doi:10.1136/jnnp.2009.198192.(IF 4.622)
4) Wei Qiu, Jing-Shan WU, Alison CASTLEY, Ian JAMES, Joyce JOSEPH, Frank CHRISTIANSEN, William M CARROLL, Frank L MASTAGLIA, Allan G KERMODE. Late Onset Multiple Sclerosis in Western Australia: Clinical Profile and HLA-DRB1 Genotype. Journal of Clinical Neuroscience, 2010. In press. DOI: 10.1016/j.jocn.2009.12.011.(IF 1.190)
5) Lu Z, Qiu Wei (Co-author), Zou Y, Lv K, Long Y, You W, Zheng X, Hu X. Characteristic linear lesions and longitudinally extensive spinal cord lesions in Chinese patients with neuromyelitis optica. J Neurol Sci. 2010 Mar 24. First Online.(IF 2.359)
6) JS Wu, Wei Qiu, A Castley, I James, FL Mastaglia, FT Christiansen, WM Carroll, JP Joseph, AG Kermode. Presence of CSF oligoclonal bands (OCB) is associated with the HLA-DRB1 genotype in a West Australian multiple sclerosis cohort. Journal of the Neurological Sciences, 2010 Jan 15;288(1-2):63-7. (IF 2.359)
7) JS Wu, I James, Wei Qiu, A Castley, FT Christiansen, WM Carroll, FL Mastaglia, AG Kermode. Influence of HLA-DRB1 allele heterogeneity on disease risk and clinical course in a West Australian MS cohort: A high-resolution genotyping study. Multiple Sclerosis. (Accepted, In press). DOI: 10.1177/1352458510362997.(IF 3.312)
8)Peng F, Zhong X, Deng X, Qiu Wei, Wu A, Long Y, Hu X, Li Q, Jiang Y, Dai Y. Serum uric acid levels and neuromyelitis optica. J Neurol. 2010 Jan 22. (Online First). DOI: 10.1007/s00415-010-5455-1.(IF 2.536)
9) Wei QIU, Sonja RAVEN, Yuebei LUO, Jing-Shan WU, Alison CASTLEY, Ian JAMES, Frank T CHRISTIANSEN, William M CARROLL, Frank L MASTAGLIA, Allan G KERMODE. Spinal cord pathology in multiple sclerosis: A correlative MRI and high-resolution HLA-DRB1 genotyping study. (Under review).
10) Wei QIU, Ian JAMES, William M CARROLL, Frank L MASTAGLIA, Allan G KERMODE. Human Leukocyte Antigen Class II Genes and Multiple Sclerosis in Chinese(In preparation)
1) Wei Qiu, JS Wu, MN Zhang, T Matsushita, JI Kira, WM Carroll, FL Mastaglia, AG Kermode. Longitudinally Extensive Myelopathy in Caucasians: a West Australian Study of 26 cases from the Perth Demyelinating Diseases Database. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2010; 81: 209-12.(IF 4.622)
2) Wei Qiu, JS Wu, WM Carroll, FL Mastaglia, AG Kermode. Wallenberg Syndrome Caused by Multiple Sclerosis Mimicking Stroke. Journal of Clinical Neuroscience. 2009 (16):1700–2.(IF 1.190)
3) Fuhua Peng, Wei Qiu (Co-author), Jin Li, Xueqiang Hu, Renwei Huang, Dongjun Lin, Jian Bao, Ying Jiang, Lianfang Bian. A Preliminary Result of Treatment of Neuromyelitis Optica With Autologous Peripheral Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation. The Neurologist. (In press). DOI: 10.1097/NRL.0b013e3181b126e3. (IF 2.083)
4) JS Wu, Wei Qiu (Co-author), A Castley, I James, FL Mastaglia, FT Christiansen, WM Carroll, JP Joseph, AG Kermode. Modifying effects of HLA-DRB1 allele interactions on age-at-onset of multiple sclerosis in Western Australia. Multiple Sclerosis, 2010 Jan;16(1):15-20.(IF 3.312)
5) JS Wu, I James, Wei Qiu, A Castley, FT Christiansen, WM Carroll, FL Mastaglia, AG Kermode. HLA-DRB1 allele heterogeneity influences multiple sclerosis severity as well as risk in Western Australia. Journal of Neuroimmunology, 2010; 219: 109-13. (IF 3.159)
6) Peng FH, Zhong XF, Hu XQ, Zhou ZY, Yang Y, Qiu Wei, et al. Effects of dendritic cell and subgroup changes on bone marrow transplantation treatment of multiple sclerosis. Neural Regeneration Research, 2009; 4 (11): 874-878.
1) Fuhua Peng,Bin Zhang, Xiufeng Zhong,Jin Li, Guihong Xu, Xueqiang Hu,Wei Qiu and Zhong Pei. Serum uric acid levels of patients with multiple sclerosis and other neurological diseases. Multiple Sclerosis. 2008 14 (2):188-96. (IF 3.312)
2)Zheng X, Hu X, Zhou G, Lu Z, Qiu Wei, Bao J, Dai Y. Soluble egg antigen from Schistosoma japonicum modulates the progression of chronic progressive experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis via Th2-shift response. J Neuroimmunol. 2008 Feb;194(1-2):107-14. (IF 3.159)
3)Peng F, Hu X, Zhong X, Wei Qiu, Jiang Y, Bao J, Wu A, Pei Z. CT and MR findings in HIV-negative neurosyphilis. Eur J Radiol. 2008 Apr;66(1):1-6. (IF 2.339)
4)邱伟 胡学强 彭福华. 干扰素β-1a治疗国人多发性硬化初步临床分析.中华神经科杂志; 2008;41(2):91-92.
5) 郑雪平 胡学强 陆正齐 周国钰 王敦敬 朱灿胜 邱伟. 日本血吸虫可溶性虫卵抗原对实验性自身免疫性脑脊髓炎的预防保护研究. 中国免疫学杂志, 2008,24(9):855-856.
1)邱伟 彭福华吴婵姬 胡学强. 以下肢瘫痪为首发症状的急性主动脉夹层一例.中华神经科杂志; 2007(409): 642-643.
2)邱伟 楼之茵 胡学强.可逆性后部脑病综合征一例.中国卒中杂志. 2007; 2(1): 47-50.
1)邱伟 胡学强. 多发性硬化T细胞钾离子通道研究进展. 中国神经免疫学和神经病学杂志. 2006,13 (5):277-279.
2)邱伟 胡学强. 多发性硬化患者脑脊液寡克隆区带及IgG指数、IgG的合成率分析. 中国临床康复.2006,10 (30):105-107.
3) 邱伟 胡学强. 脑脊液寡克隆区带检测在神经系统疾病诊断中的意义-附136例报告.新医学.2006,37 (10):638-640.
4) Fuhua Peng, yongqiang Dai, Wei Qiu, Xueqiang Hu. Clinical manifestation and humoral immuno-function of myasthenia gravis patients with abnormal and normal thymus gland. Neural Regeneration Research. 2006; 1(2).
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