


副主任医师 副教授
南医三院 泌尿外科 普通
陈明坤,男,医学博士,副主任医师。毕业于中山大学。广东省杰出医学青年人才。广东省医学会泌尿外科分会青年委员,广东省医学会泌尿外科分会肿瘤学组委员。广东省泌尿生殖协会前列腺疾病学分会秘书兼委员。 至今以第一作者在相关领域发表SCI论文9篇。主持国家自然科学基金1项,广东省自然科学基金2项,南方医科大学优秀青年科研人员启动项目1项。 科研课题: 1、国家自然科学基金青年基金,81602248、甘氨酸脱羧酶(GLDC)通过增强Warburg效应促进前列腺癌转移的分子机制。2017/01-2019/12。课题负责人,17万元,在研。 2、广东省自然科学基因-自由申请项目,2017A030313686,甘氨酸脱羧酶(GLDC)促进前列腺癌转移的分子机制、2018/01-2020/12。课题负责人,10万元,在研。 3、广东省自然科学基金-博士启动项目:2104A030310017,Bmi-1通过抑制miRNA-485-3p上调MDR1导致膀胱癌细胞顺铂耐药的分子机制。2015/01-2017/12。项目负责人,10万元,在研。 4、国家自然科学基金面上项目,81072101、Bmi-1通过抑制PTEN表达,诱导膀胱癌细胞上皮间质化促进膀胱癌浸润和转移相关机制研究。2011/01-2013/12、30万元、已结题,排名第2。 5、南方医科大学优秀青年科研人员启动项目:PY2013N064,Bmi-1过表达致膀胱癌细胞顺铂耐及其机制的研究。2014/01-2015/12,1万元。已结题。 科研论文: 1. 第一作者论文 (1) Zhou Wei#, Chen Ming-Kun#, Yu Hao-Tao, Zhong Zhi-Hong, Cai Nan, Chen Guan-Zhong, Zhang Ping, Chen Jia-Jie. The antipsychotic drug pimozide inhibits cell growth in prostate cancer through suppression of STAT3 activation. International Journal of Oncology, 2016, 48(1):322-328. (2) Chen Mingkun#, Ye Yunlin#, Zou Baojia#, Guo Suping, Zhou Fangjian, Lu Keshi, Liu Jianye, Xu Zhenzhou, Han Hu, Liu Zhuowei, Li Yonghong, Yao Kai, Liu Cundong, Qin Zike. C14orf166 is a high-risk biomarker for bladder cancer and promotes bladder cancer cell proliferation. J Transl Med, 2016, 14(1): 55-61. (3) Chen, Ming-Kun,Luo, Yun,Zhang, Hao,Qiu, Jiang-Guang,Wen, Xin-Qiao,Pang, Jun,Si-Tu, Jie,Sun, Qi-Peng,Gao, Xin,Laparoscopic radical prostatectomy plus extended lymph nodes dissection for cases with non-extra node metastatic prostate cancer: 5-year experience in a single Chinese institution.,Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology,2013,139(5):871-878。 (4) Li, K#,Chen, M K#,Li, L Y,Lu, M H,Shao, Ch K,Su, Z L,He, D,Pang, J,Gao, X,The predictive value of semaphorins 3 expression in biopsies for biochemical recurrence of patients with low- and intermediate-risk prostate cancer.,Neoplasma,2013,60(6):683-689。 (5) Chen, Ming-Kun,Ye, Yun-Lin,Zhou, Fang-Jian,Liu, Jian-Ye,Lu, Ke-Shi,Han, Hui,Liu, Zhuo-Wei,Xu, Zhen-Zhou,Qin, Zi-Ke,Clipping the extremity of ureter prior to nephroureterectomy is effective in preventing subsequent bladder recurrence after upper urinary tract urothelial carcinoma.,Chinese Medical Journal,2012,125(21):3821-3826。 (6) Chen, Ming-Kun,Luo, Yun,Zhang, Hao,Lu, Ming-Hua,Pang, Jun,Gao, Xin,Investigation of optimal prostate biopsy schemes for Chinese patients with different clinical characteristics.,Urologia Internationalis,2012,89(4):425-432。 (7) Chen, M K,Qin, Z K,Zhou, F J,Han, H,Liu, Z W,Li, Y H,Yao, K,Hou, G L,Ye, Y L,Zhang, Z L,Tu, H,Zhang, X Q,Lu, K S,Yang, Z W,Intra-arterial chemotherapy is reliable in preventing high-risk superficial bladder cancer from recurrence and progression.,J Chemother,2009,21(6):681-686。 (8) Zhang H#, Chen MK#, Li K, Hu C, Lu MH, Situ J. Eupafolin nanoparticle improves acute renal injury induced by LPS through inhibiting ROS and inflammation. Biomed Pharmacother. 2017 Jan;85:704-711. (9) Ye YL#, Yuan XX#, Chen MK#, Dai YP, Qin ZK, Zheng FF. Management of adrenal incidentaloma: the role of adrenalectomy may be underestimated. BMC Surg. 2016 Jun 8;16(1):41. 2.非第一作者又非通讯作者论文 (1) Li, Ke,Chen, Ming-kun,Situ, Jie,Huang, Wen-tao,Su, Zu-lan,He, Dan,Gao, Xin,Role of co-expression of c-Myc, EZH2 and p27 in prognosis of prostate cancer patients after surgery.,Chinese Medical Journal,2013,126(1):82-87。 (2) Zhou, Jun-Hao#,Zhou, Qi-Zhao#,Lyu, Xiao-Ming#,Zhu, Ting,Chen, Zi-Jian,Chen, Ming-Kun,Xia, Hui,Wang, Chun-Yan,Qi, Tao,Li, Xin(*),Liu, Cun-Dong(*),The expression of cysteine-rich secretory protein 2 (CRISP2) and its specific regulator miR-27b in the spermatozoa of patients with asthenozoospermia.,Biology of Reproduction,2015,92(1):28-28。 (3) Gao, Xin#,Li, Liao-Yuan#,Zhou, Fang-Jian#,Xie, Ke-Ji,Shao, Chun-Kui,Su, Zu-Lan,Sun, Qi-Peng,Chen, Ming-Kun,Pang, Jun,Zhou, Xiang-Fu,Qiu, Jian-Guang,Wen, Xing-Qiao,Yang, Ming,Bai, Xian-Zhong,Zhang, Hao,Ling, Li,Chen, Zhong,ERG rearrangement for predicting subsequent cancer diagnosis in high-grade prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia and lymph node metastasis.,Clinical Cancer Research,2012,18(15):4163-4172。 (4) Xiong Dan#,Ye Yun-Lin#,Chen Ming-Kun,Qin, Zi-Ke,Li, Man-Zhi,Zhang, Hua,Xu, Li-Hua,Xu, Zhen-Zhou,Zeng, Mu-Sheng,Non-muscle myosin II is an independent predictor of overall survival for cystectomy candidates with early-stage bladder cancer.,Oncology Reports,2012,28(5):1625-1632。

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  • 南医三院  泌尿外科

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