


北京天坛普华医院 手外科 普通
李延妮,女,主任医师,现任北京普华国际门诊&医院外科主任,全面主持和开展外科各项工作。在手外科领域(上肢)创伤、神经和肌腱的修复、骨关节损伤、小儿先天畸形的治疗和游离组织移植修复骨与软组织缺损及再造乳房等领域有着扎实的手术功底和丰富的临床经验。 李延妮毕业于北京大学医学院医疗系,曾任是北京积水潭医院骨科、手外科主治医生,后在美国知名的梅奥诊所、陆易威尔和蒙特山奈医疗中心做临床工作,出色地完成了大量高难临床手术,超过40余年的临床经验积累。 在美国工作期间李延妮医生独创“延妮结”的腹腔镜下打结方法,解决了镜下治疗胃反流手术中一直困扰着医生的难题,大大地缩短了手术时间并显著提高了手术成功率。这使她获得以她的名字命名此打结方法的殊荣。目前,这种方法已被广泛应用于外科相关手术操作中,并载入外科史册。 在美容整形方面遵循充分理解和尊重来者,以美学的观点,科学的方法给予人们自然和谐的美,使其拥有适合各自的美丽面容和动人身材。 李医生曾获国家科技和卫生部奖,有数十篇文章在国内外杂志发表。她灵巧的双手、独特的天赋和极大的爱心,给予了患者健康和希望。 李医生精通汉语和英语。 Dr. Yanni Li is present director of surgery at Beijing Puhua International Clinic & Hospital. She is a Hand and Aesthetic plastic doctor. She is specialties in nerve repair, ligament repair, treatment of intra-articula fracture, congenital hand disfigurement, Arthroscopic Surgery, and free tissue transplant for tissue and bone defect and breast reconstruction. Dr. Yanni Li graduated from the Peking University medical college following which she became the attending orthopedic & hand surgeon at Beijing Jishuitan Hospital and then a clinical and a research fellow at the Mayo Clinic, Kleinert Medical Center, and finally the Mount Sinai Medical Centre. She has more than 40 years’ clinical experience. Dr. Yanni Li is also the inventor of the “Yanni Knot” which is now the gold standard in Laparoscopic Surgery in the United States. By using the technique, operation durations were greatly shortened and complications greatly reduced. Regarding plastic surgery, Dr. Yanni Li follows the principle of fully understanding and respects her clients. In order to have beauty face and moving body, Dr. Yanni Li gives her clients the nature of beauty by scientific methods with the view of aesthetics. Dr. Yanni Li was also awarded the Beijing Science and Technology Awards and has published tens of academic papers on professional journals worldwide. Dr. Yanni Li speaks fluent Chinese and English.

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